Fisher Island Day School
Developing the Mind, Body and Spirit.
Early Learning (age 2) through Grade 8
Fisher Island Day School (FIDS) is regarded as one of South Florida’s finest independent schools. Founded in 2004, the school is dedicated to preparing children for entrance into competitive high schools, for responsible citizenship, and for ongoing learning to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life. We are an academically rigorous, co-educational, independent day school, which serves students enrolled in Early Learning (age 2) through Grade 8. FIDS is an experiential community that fosters a love of learning and are renowned for developing the mind, body, and spirit of each child we serve and uniquely located on beautiful and safe Fisher Island, accessible only via an eight-minute ferry ride from Miami Beach.
Independent School
Differentiated Instruction
Enrollment: 160
Student-Teacher Ratio: 6 to 1
Average Class Size: 11
Founded: 2004
Lowest Grade: Early Learning 2 years
State-of-the-art facility
Art/music center
Private organic chef
Nurse-staffed health clinic
Regulation-sized gymnasium
Library/media center
STEM lab/STEM program based on Next Gen standards
100 percent graduate admission rate to prestigious secondary schools
78% of the faculty hold graduate degrees
Set Deadline - January 15