Summer Enrichment & Engagement

As our community deals with indefinite school closures and canceled sports and activities, millions of students and their parents grapple to settle into this new normal. With stay-at-home orders getting extended, the possibility of not finishing the school year becomes a real possibility that will certainly impact our children. For seniors, this is devastating. They won’t get to say goodbye to their friends as they go off in all directions to start their college careers.

Spring is here, and while it usually marks the beginning of registration for summer camps and enrichment programs, with all the uncertainty, the fate of these programs is now in flux. The fear that this could lead to significant learning loss is a real one for every parent and one that would leave families trying to catch-up during the summer break. But summer programs remain hopeful and expect to be up and running, ready to welcome kids come June. They continue to adapt their strategies, policies, and procedures as they prepare to offer as much of their programs as possible. Should that be the case, enrichment programs will be more important than ever this summer.

We are looking at summer through the same lens of hope. For many families, camps are the solution to child-care problems left behind by school breaks. The reality is that parents are not just looking to keep their children busy. They are looking to keep them structured in an academically aligned program where their kids can lead and take initiative, express themselves creatively, foster relationships with others, and where their curiosity is valued and rewarded. They are looking for engagement.

But what does engagement really look like in kids? Expert Phil Schlecty notes that kids who are engaged are attracted to their tasks. They ask questions and become actively involved, taking proactive ownership of their work. This process leads to the dedication and passionate commitment to developing and improving skills. Engaged children also persist despite challenges. They embrace obstacles and view difficult tasks as opportunities. This leads to the belief that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—they develop a growth mindset. The last characteristic of an engaged child is visible excitement about their accomplishments. They take as much pride in the discipline of their efforts as they do in their achievements. Summer programs offer kids a unique opportunity for engagement through experiences that are different from those they get anywhere else. They offer a chance to reinforce the concepts and skills they already have while providing a mentally engaging and fun environment in areas of interest. Improving skills and academics while having fun are both necessary for engagement to happen during these experiences.

Experiences play a major role in child development, with the most crucial being during the earliest years of a child’s life. Good experiences can shape behavior and personality. Enrichment programs specifically focus on teaching, modeling, and practicing social skills. For kids who might struggle with disabilities, these quality educational interventions and experiences can help leave a mark on their development. Summer enrichment programs provide unique experiences for kids to try new things at their own pace. They allow them to explore and expand their minds to gain new skills. But perhaps the most underrated is the opportunity to experiment and take risks, free of judgment or failure. As children continue to grow and evolve, so do the programs that are adapting to their interests and needs. They get to immerse themselves in experiences that are personalized and tailored just for them and other like-minded kids. Part of the experience will also be the people they meet. From the friendships they build along the way to the mentors they learn from, these are the relationships that can be valuable and pay off in the long run. These invaluable experiences give kids a sense of self and community that they will build on well into adulthood.

True enrichment is the beautiful tapestry of engagement, experience, and enjoyment woven intricately together. While enrichment is not unique to summer programs, some aspects are. There are very few places where kids can dive deep into focused activities, discover and express themselves freely, and have wholehearted fun. Summer programs don’t just offer unique opportunities—they specialize in them! Summer is about investing in your child’s physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. It is about encouraging them to make new friends, try new things, and to trust their ability to do both.


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