5 Actions to Implement Today to Prioritize Self Care

What comes to mind when you think of the term “self-care”? Perhaps a deep tissue massage, a spa day, or a weekend getaway. But, self-care doesn’t have to be costly or time-consuming. The more important factor is that self-care is consistent and enjoyable.

What is self-care and why is it important?

The World Health Organization defines self-care as: “the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider.” It means taking care of yourself by tending to both physical and mental health. Examples include sleeping 7-8 hours a night, getting ready every morning, eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, making time for leisure, and having time alone.

Just like flight attendants remind us before taking off for a flight, if cabin pressure changes, we will need to place our oxygen masks over our faces before helping anyone else, including our own children. Self-care works the same way. If we don’t tend to our basic needs like sleeping and having some alone time, we cannot help others in the same way. 

Another way to look at it is in comparison to car maintenance. Like a vehicle, if you do not change the oil and put in gas regularly, your car will stop working at some point.

How can you add self-care to your daily routine? 

We suggest the 3 S’s for self-care success:

  • Start small - Make it convenient and easy enough to implement today. 

  • Schedule it - If it’s not on your calendar, it likely won’t happen.

  • Show yourself compassion - You don’t need to feel guilty or selfish for wanting to have time to care for yourself. Be compassionate. Treat yourself like you would your best friend.

Below we are sharing 5 small ways to implement self-care. March is 5 weeks long so if you implement one tip a week, you will feel the difference come April. After you implement these 5, think of any other ideas you have been putting off (due to lack of time or any other excuse).

1. Carve out 10 minutes of alone time a day.

Many people swear by waking up before their family rises to pray or journal, others take their coffee breaks seriously, and others aim to have downtime before bed. 

Even if you are a stay-at-home mom, you can give yourself a 10-minute break, while your kids are playing independently. I like to give myself the luxury of getting ready alone each morning, while my toddler plays with play-doh (an activity I usually reserve for this time so he sees it as something special) and my baby girl plays in her playpen with books and dolls (contained). 

2. Schedule a doctor’s appointment you have been putting off.

This one is not as fun, but vital for your physical health. Aim to go to your general doctor once a year, dentist 2 times a year for teeth cleanings, eye doctor once a year, gynecologist once a year, and any other specialists needed.

3. Define a time block (start and end time) where you will not schedule anything weekly.

Do you ever feel that sense that you are always behind? Behind on laundry, house cleaning, cooking, and so on. Well, one solution is to protect a time block (like Sunday afternoon) where you will try to avoid commitments during that time. You can make exceptions for whatever you see fit, but the idea is to consistently have that time to do whatever you need to or want to.

4. Schedule a workout.

You don’t need a gym membership to start. All you need is workout clothes and sneakers. You can start with a  10-minute family walk around the block after dinner. The idea is to get yourself moving and outdoors if that is your cup of tea.

5. Do something for fun.

This may sound easy, but for many, it can be tricky to define what fun even is. If you are struggling to figure out what to do, think of your younger self and what you did for fun back then. Maybe reading a book alone is fun for you. Or going to lunch with a friend to catch up. Some people find it fun to learn a new skill, like baking, crocheting, or gardening. Fun means something different for everyone so trial and error can become your friend.

Caring for yourself not only impacts you but those around you. If you are rested, joyful, and healthy, you will likely be a better wife, mom, and overall person. You may still be skeptical and wondering, “But how will I have time to do all of this?” Maybe you are in a particularly busy season of life, with birthday season and work deadlines, but it is essential to prioritize small pockets of self-care (think 10 minutes or less). If getting to the doctor is not feasible at this point, no problem! But you can still take the 5 minutes it takes to schedule an appointment a few months from now.

Life should not just become a set of obligations and weekly commitments on autopilot. Every so often, we need to assess whether or not we are prioritizing activities we enjoy and recharge our batteries. 


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